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Common Questions

What is chiropractic care?
Chiropractic is a part of chiropractic care based on the idea that good health depends in part on a properly functioning nervous system (especially the spine, and the nerves that extend from the spine to all parts of the body). The term "chiropractic" comes from the Greek word chiropraktikos, which means "manual effective treatment". Chiropractic emphasizes the idea that the cause of many disease processes begins with the body's inability to adapt to its environment. Rather than addressing these disorders through the use of drugs and chemicals, it addresses these disorders by locating and adjusting musculoskeletal areas of the body that are not functioning properly.

What are the benefits of chiropractic care?
Although chiropractic care is most commonly used to relieve low back pain, studies have found it to be effective for a variety of conditions such as migraine, neck and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia and infant abdominal pain.

Is chiropractic treatment safe?
Chiropractic care is safer than aspirin, muscle relaxants and back surgery. Some patients can get results quickly, while others may take longer. Chiropractic care is safe and effective for all ages, from infants to seniors. Many patients undergo regular adjustments as preventive health care. Professional athletes such as Tiger Woods, Jerry Rice, Wade Boggs, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Evander Holyfield, to name just a few, receive regular chiropractic care. Most Olympic and professional teams have chiropractors and other health care providers available to serve their athletes

What can I expect at my first visit?
The first thing your chiropractor will do is ask you about your main health concerns. The chiropractor will also ask about your family medical history, diet, other care you may have (chiropractic, osteopathic, medical, etc.), your job and other questions designed to help determine the nature of your disease and the best way to proceed. A physical examination will be performed based on the clinical judgment of your chiropractor, which may include x-rays, laboratory analysis and other diagnostic procedures. In addition, a careful spinal examination and analysis will be performed to detect any structural abnormalities that may be affecting or contributing to your condition. All of these elements are important components of your overall health and are vital to the chiropractor in assessing your problem.

Does chiropractic care hurt?
Under normal circumstances, adjustments are not painful. The patient may experience a small amount of discomfort during the adjustment, which lasts only a few seconds. There may also be a faint thumping sound during the adjustment. This sound is produced by the movement of gases and fluids in the joints and is a normal occurrence.

What other services do you offer in addition to chiropractic care?
We offer a variety of alternative health treatments, including acupuncture, aromatherapy, homeopathic formulas, herbal remedies and more. All of these methods are designed to provide effective treatment for your condition.

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小孩子發育成長期 找脊椎醫生做詳細檢查十分有必要!灣區脊椎治療專家莊錦鎮 教你如何保護脊椎 | 脊椎治療 | 脊椎矯正 | 脊椎檢查 | 肩頸腰痛 | 莊錦鎮脊椎治療中心

小孩子發育成長期 找脊椎醫生做詳細檢查十分有必要!灣區脊椎治療專家莊錦鎮 教你如何保護脊椎 | 脊椎治療 | 脊椎矯正 | 脊椎檢查 | 肩頸腰痛 | 莊錦鎮脊椎治療中心

在我從醫的三十多年的經歷中,我看過的病人,最年輕的只有2個月,最大的是100歲。 因為脊椎跟身體器官和神經的直接聯繫,身體發生的疾病,很多都跟脊椎有關。因脊椎問題引發的疾病各種各樣,作為脊椎醫生,需要對病人進行詳細的檢查,才能確診疾病的原因和疾病的種類。大家對牙齒的保護很重視,可是對脊椎這個重要器官卻不知道如何保護。比如,有些人出現長短腳、駝背、脊椎骨彎曲、骨盆退化等現象,或許病人本人和家長都不知道,或者知道了,也不知道找哪些醫生看。其實,脊椎醫生對此的檢查和治療是很有經驗的,因為這些疾病都跟脊椎有直接的關係,脊椎醫生都可以檢查、治療的。為了把上述疾病防治於萌芽狀態,最好孩子在12~14歲這個發育期就找脊椎醫生檢查,及時發現問題,及時治療。 0:00 脊椎治療專家莊錦鎮 0:24 小孩子成長過程為什麼要看脊椎醫生? 2:00 16歲小女孩腰椎錯位的案例 4:53 莊醫生的孩子出生一週就開始做脊椎檢查 #脊椎治療 #脊椎矯正 #脊椎錯位 #腰椎錯位 #頸椎錯位 #脊椎骨 #骨質增生 #莊錦鎮 #莊錦鎮脊椎治療中心 ⭕️ 精通粵語、普通話、台語、閩南話 網站: 地址:212 9th Street, Suite 103, Oakland, CA 94607 電話:510-288-4567
疫情期間 「低頭族」備受折磨 ! 長期伏案的人們 灣區脊椎治療專家莊錦鎮 教您如何保護脊椎  | 脊椎治療 | 脊椎病 | 脊椎側彎 | Stewart Chen -- Episode 1

疫情期間 「低頭族」備受折磨 ! 長期伏案的人們 灣區脊椎治療專家莊錦鎮 教您如何保護脊椎 | 脊椎治療 | 脊椎病 | 脊椎側彎 | Stewart Chen -- Episode 1

新冠疫情發生以來,大家在家工作、學習、生活的時間很長,可是由於疫情的限制,比平時的運動量卻減少了很多,以致頸椎痛、腰椎痛的人群明顯增多。許多白領、學生等「低頭族」,飽受脊椎疾病折磨的痛苦,嚴重困擾著人們的生活和工作。 0:00 脊椎治療專家莊錦鎮醫生 0:24 長期低頭工作、學習,如何預防脊椎疾病的發生? 3:01 發生脊椎疾病怎麼辦? 脊椎治療專家 莊錦鎮 電話:(510)288-4567 【1】長期低頭工作、學習,如何預防脊椎疾病的發生? 人的脊椎共有33節,其中分為:頸椎、胸椎、腰椎、骶椎和尾椎五個部分。每一個部分的脊椎跟人體的器官,都有直接和間接的聯繫,脊椎發生問題,一定會影響到身體的健康。 要預防脊椎疾病的發生,就要保持和注重個人平時的行動、工作、坐姿、睡姿的正確性。保持正確的姿勢,是預防脊椎疾病發生的重要環節。 【2】發生脊椎疾病怎麼辦? 根據我多年的從醫體會,如果大家都能夠做到定期檢查,及時發現身體不適、脊椎病變,就會得到及時的治療。 病例:一名18歲女子,由家長帶著來找我看病,病人告訴我:感覺頸椎麻木,人很累,頭抬不起來。經檢查,發現她多節頸椎錯位,以致壓迫神經,才導致上述症狀的發生。原來,女子平時不喜歡運動,且常在床上用電腦做功課、看電視、玩遊戲、電話聊天等,長期固定一個不正確的姿勢,多節頸椎錯位,才導致頸椎麻木、感覺累,頭抬不起來。 經過一段時間的治療,並糾正了這些不良習慣後,病人病症逐漸好轉了。 #莊錦鎮​ #脊椎治療​ #椎間盤突出​ #骨質增生​ #腰椎盤突出​ #脊椎醫生​ - 疫情期間 「低頭族」備受折磨 ! 長期伏案的人們 灣區脊椎治療專家莊錦鎮 教您如何保護脊椎 | 脊椎治療 | 脊椎病 | 脊椎側彎 | Stewart Chen -- Episode 1
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